
Thursday, 23 February 2017

Tropical Hainan

Well, Hi everyone. I am a newbie on Blogger and am going to try and transfer my existing blog over to here. I don't have much idea about what I'm doing but I have saved all my previous site posts in word documents on my PC so we'll see how it goes. Although my posts will start from today, they will cover the period from 2007, this post was first published on 23rd February 2017.

Hopefully as time goes by I will 'learn' and thus be able to tell you a little more about Hainan from the perspective of a 'grumpy old man' who has retired to the sunny, but not always so warm, climes of Wuzhishan. We may live on a tropical island but here, it’s not always easy to tell. We even had to use heaters in the 'cool season' of 2015/16. That's it for my first post. Let me know what you want to know about Wuzhishan or Hainan and I'll see what I can do for you. Be warned though, there's a few more years of posts to come yet.