
Tuesday 31 October 2017

Binglanggu, Visitors, Chinglish, Fame & Drama

October 1st Well, we were there at the airport at one o’clock in the morning to meet #2 son and lo and behold, unusual for Chinese airlines, (or so they tell me), his plane was actually three minutes early! I did take a picture of the proud Mum meeting her son after what seemed like aeons, actually only a few months, but the photo was atrocious so not included here.

Got up the same day we went to bed! Not too early out though. I don’t know, youngsters of today! No sightseeing in Sanya as we had to get ourselves off the Binglanggu which was to be our only ‘touristy’ thing during the few days Sheng Sheng was here.

We spent a very enjoyable two to three hours there and I would recommend it to anyone. You can see more photos in my Binglanggu album along with copies of the brochure and ticket details.

Back in Wuzhishan and off to Do & Me for food, no cooking for Huan today. Huan is now convinced that whatever I order in this restaurant will be problematic. Being a little tired after the last couple of days I thought I would just have Chǎofàn with a fried egg. Well, Huan’s dinner came first, followed a few minutes later by Sheng Sheng’s and a few minutes later my egg came! Much later, when Huan had nearly finished my fried rice came. Perhaps the delay was a miscommunication between Huan and I as it turned out to be Seafood Fried rice which I must admit, despite the delay, was delicious!

October 2nd After a much needed sleep, we got down to the prime purpose of Sheng SHeng’s visit. He wanted to learn to ride a bike which is why I had taught Huan last month. Deciding that too many cooks spoil the broth and knowing that Huan and I would not see eye to eye about how to teach him, I decided to stay away, either indoors or shopping! We have no photos of Sheng Sheng’s first day at all but they did tell me that he fell off a lot!

October 3rd Sheng Sheng was quite a quick learner and was managing to go at least in a straight line by the afternoon. Here’s a couple of screen shots from a video I took.

Of course falling down did come with disadvantages but unlike his Mum, Sheng Shemg didn’t get bruised, he just got chopped to pieces!

October 4th The intrepid duo rode their bikes back to the holiday bike rental shop in the morning, it would seem not without incident, but they did quite well really. I met them there and took them off up the hill to our favourite hotel. No swimming, Sheng Sheng can’t swim. That’s what he wants to learn on his next visit! He does take a better selfie than me though!

Time being of the essence and me being in the car, I took them part the way down and then let them walk the remainder of the way through Wuzhishan Park. Like many young Chinese, Sheng Sheng decided he’s not too fit! Despite my explicit instructions wifey never got any photos of the descent.

Following that I took them up the other road to the reservoir so that Sheng Sheng could look down on Wuzhishan and see where we live.

Sheng Sheng was so busy with his camera here. He thought the sky was so blue, unlike anything in Shanghai. I guess growing up in a city and then moving to an even bigger city to work does give you a jaundiced view. He also couldn’t get over how fresh the air was.

Once home I managed to prise him away from the games on his telephone so that I could get a picture of him and his Mum on our bedroom balcony. The blue sky had disappeared and the rain had appeared!

Our plan for the evening had been an early dinner for the three of us followed by an early night. Failed! Again! Our tenant, who runs a restaurant, asked us to join them for a celebratory ‘Moon Festival’ barbecue. Now ever since we moved back here, Huan has resolutely refused invited there, partly because they are our tenants and I guess she doesn’t want to be beholden in any way. I have no idea why she changed her mind today! Anyway, here’s the first bottle I saw on the shelf.

I decided to avoid the temptation, especially as I was the only wine drinker. They put on quite a spread, more fruit than an orchard. This was one table.

Sheng Sheng had never celebrated the ‘actual moon’ day before. For many Chinese, the 1st October being National Day is the main celebration. In fact when he was young, his Mum and Dad only had that day off! This evening, as well as good food and good company which he enjoyed, there was also the moon, large and very visible. I took no pictures of it but we did get pictures of a dinner plate sized moon cake! Unusually, for us anyway, it had different fillings inside depending on where you cut it.

I couldn’t let a day go by without having a visit from a friend of course and here is one I never met before. A very grubby fellow, but very friendly.

So, we were home by half past ten I suppose, which most of you probably think is early. It’s an hour after Huan’s usual bedtime! Both she and her son were quickly off to bed. I stayed up a while to finish photo editing, (a lot more than you see here) and loading them onto an external drive for Shen Sheng to take with him. Of course, while we were at the restaurant, Huan had asked me to also load for him all the photos from the shows I have done! By the time I was done it was after midnight and we had to be up at ten to four in the morning!

October 4th Well we managed to get up, all of us. I managed to stay awake long enough to get Sheng Sheng to the airport on time. No photos of the departure, just as well because we a had a teary eyed Mum and I’m almost sure her son welled up too. Back to normal for us then, visit the bank, change money, withdraw money, visit the second bank, deposit money. Visit Corner’s Deli, buy some necessities, drive back home. Not only did we have an afternoon kip, we also went to bed early, Huan before nine and me just after half past nine. It may take a few days before we are back to normal.

October 5th to 7th Housebound, too much rain, so blog catching up instead as well as watching YouTube, catching up on Facebook etc!!

October 8th We were expecting a return visit from our TV people so Huan decided that our house needed to be spotless. Guess who had to do the polishing? Lots of hanging around after, not knowing when they were coming. As it turned out, they never came back to the house!

October 8th Word of warning to those of you who live in warm humid climes, you car can go mouldy on the outside! This is what happens if you don’t wash your car as often as you should! Luckily it came off easily.

October 12th One of the things about living here in Wuzhishan is that we can have all sorts of different weather in one day. Today we had a very cloudy start followed by glorious sunshine. Walkies time!

In the afternoon we had to have our weekly drive, remember the car battery? Well, it was a little cloudy when we left the apartment, but as soon as we closed the doors and started the car the rain came.

Lo and behold, in the evening it was nice and clear again.

More days of hanging around followed, waiting for the TV people. We had warned them that the weather had turned miserable and the forecast was not so good either. We didn’t hear from them but eventually heard from Patrick, (  that they would be arriving on the 21st. Patrick, Flora, Podrig and Jake arrived on the 20th so we were all ready for our big day.

October 21st Call from the director at 8:30. Off we all went to our proposed location, it seemed this was not going to work, they wanted to see mountains. So, we took them up the reservoir road, all five cars and twenty or so crew, not including our group! Some of the crew are in this photo, more of them were hanging around by the cars while we, or should I say the director, decided what we were going to do.

Now Huan and I had been told previously that we would be filmed walking / hiking, so we had dressed accordingly. Our director then asked if we could find a ‘track’ as opposed to a road, preferably near the river, with mountains in the background. All things are possible of course, but not without some advance warning to do a few recces! We knew of a perfect spot for filming, but unfortunately, no cars could get there! Finally it was decided that we would stay where we were and forget the walking. Huan and I stood on the grassy slope of the reservoir while all kinds of things were going on around us. The TV people were taking photos and videos of us, then taking more photos and videos of Patrick and Jake taking photos of us! I always thought stage acting was harder than doing adverts but now I’m not so sure. On the stage you become someone else. Doing an ad you are continuously being asked to smile, not so easy. If there’s a next time, I will act being an actor!

Patrick and his son were both unlucky and found some of the perils of being in wet, mountain areas. Here’s a picture of a friend that Patrick picked up!

Once it was all over we left the production crew to move on to their next location where they were going to take videos of Patrick and Jake on their motorbikes. I’ve seen some of the ‘rushes’, they look pretty good. We decided to walk back down the mountain, via the scenic route and the 21 Hotel. Personally, I thought this would have been a good spot for a video!

Life then went back to normal. I guess there will be no more fame for me for a while!

October 22nd We don’t have enough Chinglish on here do we? Well, here’s a sign we saw outside the ATMs at the China Postal & Savings Bank. Can’t understand why I never noticed this before. After all, we have been here over two years now! I wasn’t sure what it meant, so I just stood behind Huan!

October 24th Huan decided that she would get stuck into one of her many cookbooks that I had bought her for Christmas last year. This was the result. I have to say that it was excellent. If I had paid for it in a restaurant I would not have been disappointed at all. The Chinese name is鲜番茄肝扒, which doesn’t translate very well. We decided it was Liver Steak on a bed of lettuce and fresh tomato sauce. The liver is ground and then mixed with mashed sweet potatoes. It was Huan’s idea to add the lettuce to give the dish a bit of colour. I am now very much looking forward to her next culinary experiments!

October 26th Not quite Chinglish but it is another sign. As you can see it is very well placed and you will have no problems at all getting to where you are going!

 On the same walk, we managed to get inside the compound of villas on the way up to 21 Hotel. We were able to get inside and have a look at some of the villas, not impressed with the architecture. Also find it hard to understand why people would buy them and then just leave them standing empty for years!

And of course the swimming pool, being October, has already been drained for the ‘winter’.

October 27th Found out that I can upload long videos to YouTube as long as my account is verified so started doing that. Some of you may know, and there again, some may not, that I used to be an ‘actor’! Not a famous one of course, well not anywhere else except Abu Dhabi. If you follow this link you will get to YouTube page where the videos are playlisted by drama groups. I also have two “life In Hainan’ playlists. Here’s a picture of ‘Pish Tush’ from ‘The Mikado’ relaxing in the ‘Green Room’.

October 30th Decided I hadn’t taken enough photos this month so here’s some clouds. Aren’t they pretty?

October 31st And finally, I have decided to take part in ‘Movember’ this year. I will try to grow a moustache and also ‘move’ 100 kilometres! (Not all at one go of course) I could probably do more than 100km but just I case I get any sponsors I thought I had better keep it realistic, and cheap enough for those who wish to help. And here is my ‘before’ picture.

No, I am not naked, I am wearing my shorts! And on that note I will leave you. See you next month to show off my moustache, or my caterpillar on my top lip!

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