
Wednesday 11 September 2019

Guitar, Typhoons, Nurse Huan, Needle, Lost Bob

September 1st “What shall I write? What can I say? How can I tell you how much I miss you? The weather here has been as nice as it can be, Although it doesn't really matter much to me For all the fun I'll have while you're so far away, It might as well rain until September” No Jethro Tull this month, instead it’s “Carole King” with “It Might As Well Rain Until September”. It is September of course and it didn’t just rain until September, it’s still raining as I write this.

However, today started off well enough, we were able to get our daily ten kilometres in. To start with, we went across the river to see how they are getting on with the new park. Sometimes I wish it could just stay like this but I guess progress will mean a paved footpath.

Mind you, where they have already landscaped it does look quite pretty.

After that, we walked down by the riverside which, because of the rain, has become almost impossible to walk in places. Here you can see why and also the poor workers who are cleaning it all up before the river swells yet again.

Home for breakfast at lunch time again, I would call it brunch but we already had our cereal before we went out. The rain came after lunch so it was keyboard for Huan and Chinese for me and just general lazing around doing nothing.

September 2nd It’s still raining! Today being Monday, is shopping day of course. I thought the only photo I was going to show you was our car, all clean in the rain. However, later in the day we had a Taobao delivery, my guitar has arrived. Yes, I bit the bullet and decided to go for it. is where I went next, first to learn how to tune the guitar, quite easy with the built in tuner, apart from the lower E string, that’s a little harder. Second was learning a couple of chords, E and A, followed by a little strumming practice. A lot more of that has to be done before moving on to the next stage. I had to show the world of course so a little video was made for Facebook, here’s a screen shot.

The rest of the day was taken up with intermittent guitar practice and Chinese practice. I was very lazy while our guests were with us last month so I’m reviewing all the tests before moving on. It’s amazing how soon you can forget things.

September 3rd Guess what? It’s raining, again! There are three typhoons in the area.

They are not near enough to worry us, but near enough to give us lots of rain!

We had to go out again today though, shopping for an amplifier for the new guitar. I won’t be using it for quite some time but we needed to know that the pickup in the guitar was working correctly. What a time we had, three women, Huan, a friend she met in the store and the sales girl. I don’t think anyone knew what was going on. Eventually we made a choice, made sure we got all the correct bits and a nice hefty discount and brought it home.

After lunch I unpacked my ‘new toy’ as Huan called it and then she discovered it had two microphones included. There was no stopping her after that! It’s a good job I won’t be needing it for a while otherwise I would probably have to fight her for it!

I took myself off to the bedroom and did some more guitar work. Some people will tell you that the guitar is easy to learn, others will say the opposite. All I know is that in less than twenty four hours I have progressed more than I did in six months in Hong Kong forty six years ago. (I was single then and magnetically attracted to beaches, bars and the nightlife.) It will still take a long time of course and my fingers already hurt. They say it will take four to six weeks to develop the calluses required. No days off will be allowed, if we have to go to Sanya to renovate our apartment there, the guitar will have to go with us!

I also did a lot more Chinese practice and I’m now back up to date. Isn’t it amazing what you can do when it’s raining outside.

September 4th We had a small break in the weather today so a quick walk was called for. Huan met ‘shop lady’ friend as we were leaving our place so I walked behind, as a dutiful husband should! A leaf caught my attention, but it looked a little strange. Have you ever seen a pregnant leaf before?

Another motorbike was next, this time a BMW 750, (I think), outside the same shop we saw the Honda last month. There must be some rich boys in there!

Now Huan, for some reason, decided to tell ‘shop lady’ that I still have ‘fat feet’ sometimes. You may not know it, but here in China almost everyone has ‘cures’ for almost every medical problem that you could possibly have. I tried to get Huan not to listen, without success of course, so this little pile of shopping is for me.

At the top, there is pearl barley which I have to have in a broth tomorrow, supposedly with the rock sugar you can see at the bottom. Today I had some of the bit in the middle, 山药 (Shānyào), yam as you probably know it, along with some of the red fruit, 枸杞, (Gǒuqǐ), otherwise known as wolfberry, and some rock sugar in a soup. I have no idea how anything that tastes so sweet can possibly be healthy for you! Try to imagine a cup of tea with five or six spoonfuls of sugar in it!

We were housebound for the rest of the day again so it was keyboard for Huan and guitar and Chinese for me. I found a new teacher, no, I’m not ‘blaming the teacher’, but I think this one starts me off better. I will end up using many teachers I’m sure, but first I have to finish the ‘free’ course provided by I learnt a new chord, D, and then spent some time trying to move between the three I have learned so far. My fingers hurt! I’m following the advice though, little and often is the best way to practice.

September 5th The typhoon that had been moving like a pinball between Vietnam and Hainan has finally disappeared so the weather was reasonably OK this morning. It was ‘back to school’ day for Huan, her singing class started again today. This meant I could go out for a walk alone. I’m not used to it but I did manage to get my ten kilometres in and within two hours, just. I met a few of my four legged friends, all happy to see me but one did get a little too boisterous. I thought he was going to actually sink his teeth into my arm. I did take a couple of photos of the scratches but they ended up very blurred so instead I have these two photos for you today, both at the furthest point from the house. After four years, I still love the scenery around the town.

As you can see from the clouds, the weather is far from perfect but at least the rain held off until I got home, after meeting Huan on the way. My lunch was a not very tasty pearl barley soup today; I hope Huan soon forgets this latest ‘fix Bob plan’!

The rain did return in the afternoon so it was more keyboard for Huan as well as collecting some kind of leafy green vegetable from her garden for tonight’s fish dinner. For me it was more guitar of course. Why do my fingers appear to be so much fatter than they were when I was younger? My ring finger also seems to lean towards my middle finger so I think I might need a small piece of apparatus to help with my finger strengthening exercises. Of course, Huan can use it too to help with her finger strength for chords etc. I didn’t forget my Chinese either, even used the flashcards again today.

September 6th The weather has definitely improved! However, we decided to stick to going around the river and not venture further afield. Not a great deal to report, no photos were taken, instead I filmed three videos. One was of a butterfly, one was of a dog, and one was of ‘Gentleman Bob’. Huan had decided that although it was a nice day, she wouldn’t be needing her Japanese hat. However, it became a little too warm for her so I graciously handed over my shirt to use instead. Here’s a screenshot.

Just the usual for the rest of the day, keyboard and singing for Huan, guitar and Chinese for me. At the moment Huan has a recording on her WeChat from the singing teacher so she sounds a great deal like ‘Hyacinth’ a lot. I’m not quite as bad as ‘Emmett’ yet!

September 7th Aren’t we the lucky ones, yet another nice morning. It was boots on today and a trip to the countryside, staying on the roads and paths though because Huan didn’t have her ‘off road’ shoes on. She did keep nagging me to make a video of this, or that, or the other, so I ended up making one. At the beginning I said it would be a little video, it ended up being fifty two minutes. If you want to see it in full, you can watch it here: -

I’ll just add a couple of screenshots in here. We filmed a butterfly yesterday and lo and behold another one today. This one decided to settle on Huan for a while.

The second one is just to give you an idea of how pretty it can be on some of our walks. We are lucky in that we have forests, mountains and country lanes like this.

We got home just as it felt as though the rain was starting but, as soon as we were indoors, the sun came out again. It did rain again later, but we can cope with that.

Huan seemed a bit worn out so I volunteered to do the ‘full English’, today being Saturday. Normally, I would have to fight but today she gave in immediately, a sure sign that she is not 100%. At least she enjoyed it, even commented on the taste. “Lard, my dear” I said, “not oil”. If you don’t use lard for your fry-ups I seriously recommend that you try, it makes for a much better tasting breakfast all round.

My guitar practice today was abysmal, brain and fingers did not appear to want to work together. In retrospect, my posture may have been wrong; I think I had my fretting elbow on my knee.

September 8th Today we were blessed yet again with nice weather for walking but couldn’t go too far as we were expecting a Taobao delivery. Some more ‘sofa pants’ were arriving for me, this time 4XL instead of 5XL. I suppose you could say I’ve downsized from a ‘three seater’ to a ‘two seater’! We still had a nice long walk and met a few of our four legged friends. I suppose I should say mine really, Huan puts up with them but it’s me that really likes them.

Today’s photo concerns trees. I have seen trees before, usually on the edges of forests, that are growing at an angle to try and ‘reach for the sun’. I’m not quite so sure about today’s. When we first saw it I thought it was some kind of strange pod but closer examination, and trying to lift it, showed that it was indeed a tree, not just growing at an angle, but growing completely horizontally. Perhaps it was too exhausted to go upwards. It will be interesting to look in on it in a few months, that is if it hasn’t been pruned by the authorities by then. It is beginning to go across a pathway.

Lunch today was not quite the full English, the bacon and sausage were replaced by a tin of meat, think spam or luncheon meat. Well, we all need a little change now and then. I did the cooking again, more healthy today, I had to use oil because we’d run out of lard!

The sofa pants arrived after lunch and a quick comparison between these and the last lot show the only difference is in the label. They are still enormous!

Happy to say, I was right about my guitar posture yesterday. That doesn’t mean I’ll be brilliant anytime soon but at least I found the problem.

September 9th Woken up by ‘The Big Dragon’ at quarter past four this morning. No, I know what you’re thinking, it’s not another moniker for Huan, it’s the name of the music on my phone alarm. We were on the road within half an hour, making for Haikou and my favourite hospital, and my (NOT) favourite needle.

Even with all the usual palaver, we were finished quite early today which was just as well because we had a detour to make on the way back. Huan’s dancing friend was returning from Changchun (长春; Chángchūn; lit. Long Spring), by rail, bringing her daughter with her and we were picking them up and driving them to Wuzhishan. Not having been to the railway station before, it is quite a long way out of the city, we used our Sat Nav to get there. That worked well enough but using the same procedure to get back to the highway led to some fairly hairy roads. Huan still won’t buy me a four wheel drive though! (Hint to self: - keep guiding Huan to pictures of the new Land Rover Defender!)

In the afternoon it was time for the ladies to go and sign up for their keyboard lessons. What a farce that turned out to be. The office was packed, people were being given a form to fill in and then told that a photocopy of their ‘Hukou card’ was also needed as well as a one inch colour photo. Much later, after a visit to the nearest little photography shop we returned with everything needed only for Huan to be told that she may be too late. I certainly hope not because she has been down to the office three times in the past fortnight, each time being told to return at another time. I have my fingers crossed for her, she will find out by the 16th September whether she’s in or not.

By this time, we were both completely worn out so a buffet meal was called for outside before we wearily meandered home again. No guitar for me today, brain is just not there. They do say you should have one day off a week, so today is the one day this week!

September 10th Huan was back to singing class today which meant I could have gone for a walk. I didn’t, because I still felt washed out from yesterday. Never mind, I met Huan from class and we did the weekly shop.

In the evening, as it was ‘Teacher’s Day’, we all had to go out. Huan’s singing class were treating their teacher. We went to the wrong place, not my fault I can assure you, I was just following the ladies. We had a short, but very enjoyable time. No photos were taken but, I did make a video. You can see it here: -

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