
Monday 1 July 2019

Vertigo, Doctor Google, Rawhide

June 17th Shopping day today and, as we had previously had an altercation with those pesky dragonflies, a car wash. Here you can see the before and after pics. Otherwise, NTR!

June 18th Yesterday we received a phone call from the Post Office, there’s a letter for me. I must say it does make life a little easier when they phone, all we have to do is collect the mail. Because of that I kept the distance of our walk reasonably short today and made sure that said Post Office was on our homebound leg. We did get some photos today, even though I still haven’t sorted out the Fuji. We saw another nice water feature but rather than bore you with more of the same, we’ll show you some more ‘test cars’ instead. These were ‘Jeeps’ and not very well disguised at all.

Having wasted a lot of the last couple of days ‘surfing the web’ I decided to get another Chinese lesson in this afternoon. I have been using the flashcards and repeating some quizzes but I hadn’t been as conscientious as I should have been. Bad boy!

Of course having done my Chinese in the afternoon I was free for a short walk in the evening. Not a fast walk, 4.7 kilometres in an hour but I did stop a few times to chat to various four legged friends! Huan did her usual dancing and then brought her friend home along with her laptop for me to sort something out. Unfortunately, as said friend didn’t know the password to get the thing started I could be of no help whatsoever. We’ll try again some other time!

June 19th Wednesday again so my big plan was to walk fifteen kilometres or more, maybe even another twenty. However, hypochondriac Bob took over this morning and I spent a good hour on the internet trying to find out what causes your head to spin. I had woken up in the night and the whole bedroom was spinning, it was very unnerving. I came up with this – “Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). This condition causes an intense and brief but false sense that you're spinning or moving. These episodes are triggered by a rapid change in head movement, such as when you turn over in bed, sit up or experience a blow to the head. BPPV is the most common cause of vertigo.” There were of course many other results but this one seemed to fit my symptoms.

So a very long walk was out of the question. Instead I went on a river, countryside and town walk. This is how I got down to the river, via the storm run off.

I didn’t take any photos but I did take a video, you can see it if you follow this link: -
I managed to get more than ten kilometres in, good enough for today.

Huan was out in the evening, dancing, but I stayed in, preparing and uploading the video and of course learning some more Chinese

June 20th No ‘spinning’ while sleeping last night but I did have a little trouble focusing this morning. This is a minor problem that many people have so I didn’t mention it to Huan. The weather didn’t look so good so on the pretext of possible rain I kept our walk around various streets in the town. Huan was happy that we were home after just seven kilometres. Having tried not to worry her I almost put her into panic mode in the lift. I bent down to start undoing my bootlaces, as I usually do, and everything went haywire. If Huan hadn’t been there I’m fairly sure I would have ended up on the floor. Talk about an intense feeling of spinning, even I was a little worried. I did try not to worry Huan even more though.

Huan went off singing in the afternoon, once I had convinced her I was fine, and I stayed home and cooked today’s dinner. It was chicken curry, made with boneless chicken leg meat, potato, sweet potato, onion, mushroom and a little carrot. I had to have the obligatory side dishes of desiccated coconut and raisins, brings back army memories you know. Huan was well pleased, walking in to dinner on the table!

While Huan was out I was still getting bouts of light headedness which once again I kept quiet about. When she went dancing in the evening I went for a slow walk to make up today’s distance. The first thing I saw was Huan sweeping up the dance area they use.

Someone was being a little nosey and trying to peer through the trees.

And what was he trying to look at? Why, the ladies of course!

I was actually back before Huan, still a little worried that my head is not quite right. No need to panic Huan yet though, I’ll see what it’s like tomorrow. If it’s not improving then maybe I’ll pay a visit to the hospital.

June 21st My head is still not right, some dizzy spells when I turned over in the night. They are even worse if I open my eyes. Decided to give Huan a treat today and we walked around the scenic mountain route. On the way I thought I would take a photo of the signpost, mostly because of an article I read about how companies will not be allowed to use foreign terms in their names. I wonder how tourist spots will fare?

Once we were back into town, we parted ways, I couldn’t convince Huan to continue along with me. I carried on along the riverside, this time walking on the lower path and took a lot of photos. I’ll just share a couple with you. The first was something stuck on the riverside wall. Could it be some kind of insect pod? I did touch it, only with my fingernail though, and it was hard, almost like stone itself. If you know what it is let me know in the comments.

Then, how about some reflections? This one took my fancy.

Lazy rest of the day for me apart from surfing the interwebs looking for piano lessons for Huan and sneakily looking at guitars for me. No decisions yet, only wondering and thinking.

June 22nd Huan needed to go to the phone shop to top up her account and the bank to get some money so we merely meandered through the town this morning. That was probably better for me today, I didn’t sleep so well again last night, had some more dizzy spells too. We decided to check on the possible side effects of my monthly dose of female hormones. Here are some of them: - hot flashes, sweating, headache, dizziness, mood changes, increased or decreased interest in sex, impotence, bone pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, loss of appetite, sleep problems (insomnia), acne, or mild skin rash or itching. Of course it’s also followed by the usual disclaimer – “This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects.” Today’s verdict? Only the emergency section of the hospital is open today so we’ll wait and see what I feel like by Monday morning.

In the afternoon, I should have been doing some Chinese but instead I was lost down the Youtube plughole, spiralling ever deeper. I don’t how it started but I ended up listening to a huge amount of late sixties music, good memories though.

Not having got my 10k in the morning I was ‘forced’ to go out again this evening to make sure I got them. Boss’s orders, although she’s not worried about the 10k, just about whether my feet swell or not. Once again, I found someone who goes very slow, down in our entrance hall. I took some photos of it the other day but they were rubbish. In the meantime it has moved another two feet up the wall, I hope this photo is good enough. I was using my phone again, I still haven’t sorted my Fuji out, so this is a crop from the high resolution version. What is the piece sticking out?

June 23rd Huan fancied what she calls the farm side walk today so that’s where we went. Of course we had to take a detour as well, off the road and onto a little path with no idea where we would end up. Still, that’s what makes it fun. Here’s Huan trying to decide which way.

I chose the way she was looking as it still led us away from home. Eventually the path met a concrete road and led us into the village with the school in the middle. I wonder if you remember that one. I knew where we were now so it was off the roads again and through the countryside to the medicine factory. Nothing new to see there. We did spot a snail on the way but I must have had some ‘sweat’ on my lens when I took that photo, not so good. Once back on the road after the medicine factory, at the first village a water stop was called for, internal use and external use! I seemed to be sweating far more than usual today.

From there we had a little more off the road until we completed the circle and ended up back in the ‘school in the middle’ village. Here we came across a couple of pigeons only one of which tried to move away from us, and then only half-heartedly. I think it was looking after the other one which seemed to have a leg problem. Unfortunately there was not a great deal that we could do so we left them for the villagers to find.

Usual full English when we got home followed by a very lazy day for me and music practice for Huan. An even lazier evening followed for me with a nice long soak in the bath with a book while Huan expended even more energy doing her dama dancing.

June 24th Monday came round again so we went shopping again. Otherwise not a lot to talk about, it was just a lazy day. I did try and sort the Fuji out though and got the screen protector fitted. Do you remember this photo from July last year?

At that time, the local government had given up trying to rent these places out and had begun trying to sell them. Well, someone has bought two units in front of our house, that’s the first six windows in the picture above. Just to be nosy we had a walk up to see what was likely to appear there. The ‘man in charge’ said that it would be offices which I thought was a good idea. Now a couple of weeks later we can see the progress that has been made. I certainly wouldn’t fancy working in an office there! They have removed all the front windows and are building internal walls everywhere inside. I should point out that this part of the building has no rear windows. I wonder just what kind of offices they will be.

June 25th I’m still having problems with my head so, much to Huan’s relief, I agreed to go the hospital today. At least it’s not too far from the house, and in a brand new building now too. We do have to go through the same rigmarole as we do in Haikou but being smaller the queues are not so bad.

The usual procedure then followed with the doctor asking questions, translated and relayed to me by Huan, then I answered and vice versa. I doubt my Chinese will ever be good enough to know what’s being said in the hospital. I know Huan asks many things apart from what I ask her to, in this case, where to go if her husband, (me), has a stroke! Bless her. It seems this hospital can now deal with stroke cases as long as we get there quickly enough. Let’s hope it never comes to that. Anyway, back to the matter at hand, the doctor came up with exactly the same diagnosis that I did on the 19th, BPPV, I hope she wasn’t using Google too. She prescribed this Chinese medicine for me, I have to take five capsules, three times a day. I’ll be rattling!

This medicine is for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, hyperlipidemia and headache caused by the above diseases, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, etc. Seems all possible avenues have been covered, I think I’ll avoid Google this time.

No walk this morning, decided to go home and have breakfast instead. I had purposely skipped that just in case blood sugar tests were required. The only test I had was my blood pressure before seeing the doctor and that was 138/83, not perfect but not too bad.

Not having had a walk in the morning I decided an evening one was necessary. No photos taken although I did spot the traffic diversion signs again, being prepared for tomorrow. This is the date for another important test for Chinese students, the Zhongkao, the results of which decide which high school they will go to. Pressure, always pressure, from kindergarten right through to the day they finally graduate from university.

June 26th Wednesday again, singing lessons for Huan this morning so a nice little walk in the countryside for me. I had planned to go up to the local reservoir again but as I was walking along I seemed to find a very comfortable stride that told me, “Avoid all hills!” My Fuji was fully operational again so quite a few photos were taken. I’ll share two with you, the upriver and downriver views from a bridge about ten kilometres out which is where I crossed and turned back towards home.

I quite enjoy being out in the country, away from city sounds, but there is a small problem, it’s called chafing. I realised that the red mark on my right bum was being caused by my wallet rubbing through the sweaty clothes. Of course, as many hikers, and runners, will know, chafing can also appear in other areas. For me it’s the middle of my backside. (Don’t worry, no photos!) Once I got home and finished showering and lunch a lot of internet surfing was done to try and find a solution. I suppose I could always try naked walking!

Huan is off out dancing again tonight, I’m staying put. Apart from chafing worries, I walked far enough today, 19.82 kilometres. I only missed the twenty mark because I got caught in the rain in the last kilometre and couldn’t be bothered going around the block to make up the extra 180 metres. Do you ever wonder why I like to walk so much? Well, if I don’t walk I get fluid build up in my feet, especially the left one. That even shows up after my ‘day off’ on a Monday. Today I was thinking how ironic it was that I was walking to avoid fluid build-up and filling myself with more fluid by drinking three 500ml bottles of water on the way round!

June 27th Our plans today were the normal scenic walk up the hill and back. However, we hadn’t been out too long before the rain started so we ended up not straying far from town again. We still managed seven kilometres though which means not too much for me to catch up on this evening. I had the Fuji with me but subjects of interest were very difficult to find today. I guess you’ll have to make do with a couple of fishermen.

Huan was off singing again today so I said I would cook. Today’s offering will be a stir fry. First in the pan goes some chopped chicken with garlic and onion. Follow this with diced potatoes and diced carrots, and shortly thereafter diced mushrooms, diced red peppers and diced yellow peppers. After another little while add snow peas and then, at the last minute, bean sprouts. Season while cooking as required. For us I will add a little paprika and maybe a little oyster sauce. I only hope the boss approves!

This is the finished dinner and I’m happy to say that C-in-C approved.

Because we, or rather I, had not completed ten kilometres this morning I had to have a gentle walk around town this evening. Huan of course, was dancing.

June 28th Not a good start to the day, I woke up at five to nine having had a terrible night’s sleep. I thought these vertigo tablets were supposed to help my insomnia too! Anyway, both Huan and I weren’t sure about the weather so she decided to stay in and do some plant re-potting and I decided to go out and keep an eye out for the rain. It didn’t come, in fact, it didn’t come at all today! I did take a lot of photos though. First we have a man pruning the trees. They will eventually form a canopy over the road but they’re not tall enough yet so have to be pruned to avoid being hit by buses and trucks.

Lots of animal life today, we start off with a little pussy cat that I manage to stroke now and then. He seemed to have a bit of a sulk on today though.

I then stopped off at the local pet shop where they had some little chicks, not in cages, probably because they can’t fly yet. This one was shouting “Feed me!”

The town square had been taken over by a farmer’s market. I wonder if they will continue to do this on Fridays, it’s not a bad idea. Here’s s photo from there.

Meanwhile, just off from the market but probably going to end up there, a bigger bird was playing “chicken in a basket” but again, not as you’re used to.

By the time I got home, even with multiple photo stops, I had walked eight and a half kilometres in an hour and fifty three minutes which I pleased enough with.

I still had to make some distance up though so before Huan went dancing I popped out again for a short walk. I told Huan I would probably be back before she started dancing, she didn’t believe me. I was though, I met her as she was walking down to the gate. This time I had excelled myself having done three kilometres in thirty five minutes. That doesn’t sound too good until you realise that the first one took just over fifteen minutes, I had to talk to the dog at the gate!

More Yoyo Chinese at home including going over previous quizzes to make sure I haven’t forgotten too much. They will be having a ‘Study Streak’ competition in July where whoever studies for the most continuous days, (possible 31), has the chance of winning a free course. My present streak is thirty eight days. It all depends on whether we stay in Haikou on ‘needle’ day and if we do, if I am able to access my lessons while I’m there. I’ll try!

June 29th Huan was lucky, she got her favourite walk in this morning. Here she is on the way down, although she is going up a little. Spot the sweat!

It is a lovely walk, especially the way we come down, there are some great views.

As we passed the WC lay-by we spotted this ‘snowbird’ playing with his whip. I wonder if he knows what song this is from, “A beautiful sky, a wonderful day, Whip-crack-away, whip-crack-away, whip-crack-away”. Do you know? It’s from “The Deadwood Stage from Calamity Jane (1953)”. He was enjoying the ‘craic’ anyway.

Usually on this walk, we separate at the seven kilometre mark and Huan goes home while I continue to ‘get some in’. Today I bribed her with “It’s OK, I’ll cook the full English today, you can rest.” She carried on with me and we both got eleven kilometres in! In case you’re wondering and thinking that I’m a big meanie, I did cook the ‘full English’.

Come evening time and the rain came back so no dancing for Huan and no walking for me. Not to worry, we did enough this morning anyway! Instead we had Huan practicing keyboard and singing in the living room and me practicing Chinese in the office. I think I need to buy a guitar to compete with her!

June 30th My choice today so I chose the road to Changhao with detours through the countryside and a little village. We were quite lucky, there was not as much construction work going on as we expected so the road wasn’t too dusty. We stopped in the little village for a wee rest, it’s a very pleasant place. Here I am refreshing myself.

And here’s what I was looking at. No, we weren’t using a wide angle lens, the tree is actually bent and with the little circle in front the effect is ezaggerated.

As you can probably guess Huan was taking all the photos today. She even had to take one of me in the WC. She wasn’t in there with me, the windows were wide open so she stood there to ‘protect my modesty’! This is the disabled toilet, which we often look out for because they have western style loos. Don’t ask me why there are two.

Once we got to Changhao we decided not to go for ten kilometres, but to get the bus back so that Huan could have a rest before she made us a ‘full English’. Oh, I do love weekends! I did manage to take a couple of photos there, this one is a happy Huan having just spent some money! She decided that the fish here was cheaper than in town.

And that’s it. The rains came back in the evening again so no more walks, just internet browsing, FB, YouTube etc.

So, we come to the end of another month. Time flies by doesn’t it. In fact I recently read something explaining why time goes faster for us oldies than the younger folks. Sorry, can’t remember the details, you’ll have to search for yourselves.

See you next month, take care and be good!

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