
Monday 22 July 2024

Our Donald Is Cool Again & Can See Again!

July 16th Today should have been another “No Through Road’ day but it wasn’t to be. We woke up to water falling from the sky once again. It did stop sometime around nine thirty so we did go out but not as planned. Instead it was just a trip to the bank; my wallet needed topping up for the air conditioning compressor for the car. We hadn’t gone far before pareidolia struck. It’s quite amazing how we both see the same things, such as this little figure sitting in front of a car door. Even enlarged you can still see the same outline. It is in fact a ‘dressed up’ traffic cone.

I spotted a kitty, Huan took a photo.

Next up we found one car with two items from computer games. Looking over the back was a young lady, and then keeping an eye on the front was a little dragon,

I knew there would be dragonflies on our way home and luckily for us today it was not the same green one that we saw last week.

Our last one of the day is quite apt really. Most of the motorbike and moped drivers use capes when it is raining. Some wear them; some have them attached to their vehicles. This one was not only an attachment; it was also an English one!

We didn’t get out again today, another plan was abandoned. After retrieving Donald with his new compressor nine and shiny, delivering him home and resetting him to English, we went home to get ready for our anniversary dinner. The rain came by to say hello again so I cooked for the Queen instead, even gave her a glass of cheapo screw on cap red wine. We enjoyed it.

July 17th What a day, water everywhere, well coming out of the sky anyway. Luckily we had no walks planned; it was time for Donald to be fitted with his new eye. That meant a trip to Sanya where our SatNav could not find where we were supposed to go. The installation shop sent directions to Huan’s phone, whatever app she was using was perfect even down to telling us when the lights were going to change. The shop turned out to be just round the corner from where Yú had her tinting put on her windows.

Having dropped Donald off we had half an hour to waste so we went for a wander, the rain disappeared long enough to allow that. Sanya has some wonderful scenery, just check out the main road in the second photo. Running alongside it there is a shaded motorbike / moped road and also where we were walking, a shaded pedestrian pathway.

Someone else was also enjoying the break in the rain.

In our very short walk Huan managed to find a Sanya soul-mate, a.k.a. another lizard.

Passing by Great Wall Motors we found a new car for Huan, (hahahaha).

And back to the shop for two views of Donald’s new eye.

Around the same time as we started back the rains fell out of the sky again. Huan’s plan to take some photos at the beach went awry. Instead all we have are a few photos from our rest stop on the way home. Starvation was upon us, dumplings for Huan and a wrap for me.

Was the weather better?

Nope, that picture was a mural, it was still pouring with rain outside.

Our final picture of the day is Donald showing off.

Back home, another plan was cancelled. Having missed our anniversary dinner yesterday, we should have had one today. With the rain still bucketing down we once again surrendered to the whims of the weather. The frozen pizza went down very well though!

July 18th Rain expected by one in the afternoon so I dragged Huan out, with an ulterior motive. I needed to buy a new SD card holder to check the car videos. Before leaving our apartment complex she had already found a lizard.

Then just outside our gate we saw that it must have been millipede birthing day. I daresay I could have spent a lot more time as there were far more than you see here, all along the wall.

With all the talk about the weather this week I thought you should see today’s sky.

Shopping finished and on our way home I spotted the pet shop guy feeding one of the birds. Huan asked me to feed them too but I just took their photos.

He posed very well!

With the scarcity of subjects today I reverted to words on car windows. On the left hand side rear, 祝你少一些辛苦, 多一些幸福, Zhù nǐ shǎo yīxiē xīnkǔ duō yīxiē xìngfú - I wish you less hardship, more happiness. And on the right hand side rear 女司机, 蛮不讲理, Nǚ sījī mán bù jiǎnglǐ - female driver unreasonable. Of course I couldn’t possibly comment on that last point, it’s more than my life’s worth!

At home, after lunch, I checked whether the dash-cam had recorded, it had. Now all we have to do is try and learn how to use it!

July 19th We should apologise for the absence of any photos today. Both of us woke up this morning still feeling, shall we say, not refreshed and not revitalised. When Huan suggested a day of rest I was more than amenable! She spent the day doing needlework in the living room and I spent it binge watching “Designated Survivor”.

July 20th What a beautiful day we had today, perfect weather for a stroll through the market. Unusually I was ready before Huan so I went on the rubbish run first before walking back up to the block. She was still not there so went for a look at the river.

You may remember the villa we showed you a short while ago, the one on the corner that we don’t have enough money to buy and probably wouldn’t be allowed to anyway. You can see it smack bang in the middle of this photo. The road up to the left is the back road to all of the villas. The garage is under the villa garden and accessed on the right. Just think what it could look like if only someone wanted to take some care with it.

Huan was ready when my little excursion was over so off we went. On the way we passed a notice board that we don’t remember seeing before. The sign just says that it is a notice board for the ‘Little Island Park’ but it was the picture that interested me. It is an aerial view with the park and the island clearly shown. Those of you who know us may even be able to spot our building. The more observant of you may just notice a red circle with two lines emanating out from the left. That is where I stood to take the previous two photos.

Pretty soon we were at the market, where the only thing we did was buy cherry tomatoes. PS The hazy bits are not a photo problem but the smoke rising from barbecues.

So is that it? Did Huan not find anything else for me to take pictures of on this fine sunny day? Well of course she did! Here are the final three results of the day.

July 21st What’s wrong with the two old worn out teddy bears? They always seem tired these days. Whatever, we need fresh air and we need exercise and the weather forecast was rain starting around lunch time.  Luobote village was today’s route. Right outside our front door Huan found a skink, lovely colours they have.

Over the bridge to somewhere we went finding this unusual view for you.

Under the road we went looking for an unblocked road. It wasn’t to be.

Two of the goats were out playing today, an adult and a kid. The kid was too busy watching me watching it to even nibble on the leaves.

Butterflies and birds of course very rarely look at us looking at them.

Here are some very beautiful fungi for you now. I often wonder how people know what is poisonous and what isn’t. I just play it safe and ignore them all.

Then within the space of a few steps Huan found two insects, locusts maybe, or grasshoppers.

All the time we kept a careful eye on the sky, expecting rain at any time. Occasionally we felt a drop, and there was definitely rain around us in the mountains.

One of the reasons for dragging Huan through Luobote village when we have short local walks I so that she can catch sight of a turkey or two. She only found one today and I managed to get a snap of it even through the chain link fence.

Next door they had a big pot on the fire. We often see this on our travels around the countryside. They are in fact cooking pig stew, that is stew for the pigs and not stew with pigs inside!

When you look at the photos you don’t get the ‘feel’ of the environment. You can see the rolling fields, the mountains and the clouds. It looks cool. It isn’t, it is warm and humid. Luckily for me it is just the kind of climate I like.

Just before leaving the village Huan trapped me again.

“Why is this next photograph here? You may ask. Well, I just thought, you never hear many complaints here about having cell towers nearby. I guess that may be because most young people are already on 5G networks. We get asked regularly if we want to upgrade but for us 4G is more than enough, for now anyway.

Huan still managed to find two more subjects, one for me, and then one for her because I was too busy talking to the local mutts.

So our walk was short today, less than six kilometres, but timed well. As we sat down to our lunchtime sandwiches the heavens opened and the rains fell. It was still raining when went for our afternoon nap and in fact it is still raining now, at nearly 11pm, as I write this post.

July 22nd As you know by now, Monday is shopping day. Because we were making sure we have no food that’s been in the freezer too long we avoided the fish market today. Huan was happy; she is worried that I will be hit with another penalty! At home she told me that she had received a message that there was a typhoon bearing down on us. The message was wrong! There had been a tropical storm, Prapiroon, but it had already passed us by. I have included our island in a larger scale so that you can compare, if you want to that is. If you look closely you will see that the ‘storm’ passed to the north of us, the other side of Wuzhi mountain itself.

Rain did however prevent me from having my weekly sneak out coffee and fag break. Never mind, I’ll try later in the week. So, from the Lady of the Manor, and her obsequious, toadying, subservient, grovelling, ingratiating, sycophantic man-servant, (well he was a whole man before 2019!) we will sign off until the next time. Bye bye.

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