
Monday, 6 January 2025

I Am Twoloos Lowtrek (& Nora Batty)!

December 31st Here we are, at the start of the end of another year. What shall we do? Well, the neighbourhood band is putting on a show on Little Island. Let’s go there then. (The Happy Life sign behind them is not theirs but it does seem very apt.)

Just as I got my tripod set up to make a short video of a song or two we found out that the show was not this morning, and it was also not here. Instead it was to be in the afternoon in the town square. Ah well, pack everything up dear.

On the way we had spotted construction work down at the old sluice gates so I tried to find a nice vantage point for a photo. After failing to climb a small wall alone, and then struggling even with Huan’s help, (that darned leg you know), I walked down to where I knew I would see more. Look carefully and you will see the holes where the old wooden sluice gates were. Pay attention because you will need that information again shortly.

This was my view going back up from the riverbed.

Huan had found a path through the thicket so that we could explore a little on the other side. She was waiting at the end to snap a photo or two or many of me. I saw her so allowed this gent to go first thus meaning no gif today!

Now then, remember those sluice gate holes? They used to just allow the water straight through, long before we ever arrived here of course. In our time they have never been there at all never mind been operational. Well now the water will be diverted into two tunnels, one for each gate.

A closer look was needed, down these steps we went.

At the bottom Huan found a couple of guys fishing by hand, just like bears do. If you look very closely at the second photo you might just spot the one that he caught. It was easier for them than for bears, the fish were being pushed from above by the current but their progress downriver had been blocked by the bulldozers.

Remember those sluice gates? Well we are back to them again. I found a vantage point where I could take a photograph of the tunnel exit. I need an engineer to tell me why.

We needed to cross the river now and head for home; a lot of time had been wasted already. This next photo looks quite serene and quite beautiful. Well I think so and you will probably agree with me. However, when we were trying to get from the far side to where we took this photo from I was not finding it easy. My long legs should make it easier but with age and the ‘problem’ in my left leg; I found my heart aflutter quite a lot!

Huan! Someone or something is chasing me! They’re out to get me! “Infamy...Infamy.....they've all got it in for me!” Who said that? No points for correct answers I’m afraid.

Here’s an interesting question for you. What happens to old toilet bowls where you live? There are a lot here; it seems that Chinese people always change the bowl if they move into a new place. Quite a few get repurposed as plant pots. Someone is actually squatting in this one!

So, as the year comes to an end, what are your plans? I know, by the time you read this it will be all over and done with. Of course, you could always reply and let us know, see if we would be envious. I’m not sure sometimes what’s better, being a youngster who has to go out and celebrate New Years Eve no matter how you feel, or being an oldie who doesn’t have to celebrate New Year’s Eve but sometimes wishes he could. So, from us two, to you however many you are -

January 1st A new one has just begun! Well, it actually began quite a few hours ago but is now most definitely 2025. Hope you celebrated well, we were in bed early, as usual. We were also out early this morning, Huan wanted to buy a cooked chicken, I needed bread for toast and chocolates. We stopped into a bathroom shop on the way, planning ahead for days to come. First though, our local traffic lights with their annual decorations. I’m sorry but I tried to zoom the phone camera, far better to just take normally and then crop. Next time…

Everywhere was very busy today, people taking advantage of the holiday I suppose. Even the town square was popular, especially with the younger ones.

Our ‘shop’ took us longer than expected; we had to double back down the main street to find a cooked chicken. It ended up coming from a fast food shop. Back home breakfast (or lunch for Huan) was down to me, a good old favourite for celebratory days, boiled eggs and soldiers. No sleeps were taken in the afternoon although we both almost fell asleep where we were. Huan of course had a lot of work to do. Despite the fact that we will have another New Year soon, the actual Chinese one, she still likes to put on a spread for this one. As usual she did herself proud and there was no way I could eat it all. The bottle I didn’t remove from the photo, which in retrospect I perhaps should have done, is Sherry. In fact I’m having a glass right now!

January 2nd A new year means new things, well it does this year anyway. I know that I need to visit the doctor soon so before that some essential stuff is needed in the house. We need new toilets, new sinks, extra plumbing works, a new water heater and a new mattress. “Why?” I hear you ask. Well all of those things are over seventeen years old and showing their age, almost as much as I am! Most importantly, I don’t want the toilet bowl collapsing under Huan and going through her femoral artery! So, off we went hunting and we ended up being out all day, morning and afternoon. The resulting photographs are mediocre to say the least. First off, these two are of the new ‘Little Island’ car park, very colourful.

Our first port of call was Huan’s bank to transplant the money from my wallet to her account, which she can then use to buy things with. On the way we passed more colourful stuff, lots of assorted bags of rice. I’ll bet you thought it was all white didn’t you?

After that it was time to visit the plumbing shop where we wasted our time because the guy that we had previously dealt with was not there today and I didn’t fancy starting all the explanations again with his wife. Back into town we went and to the appliance store. What should have been a quick in and out turned into a marathon, all because there is an app, provided by the government, which gives a far greater level of discount than normal. This is done to encourage the economy and I guess it works as we got nearly 50% off our heater. Delivery was scheduled for tomorrow.

Time was passing fairly quickly so lunch was required out today. We saw this little fellow on the way. Huan says he looks fine; he looks a bit out of focus to me.

We ate here, a new place, only a few months old.

Eating out in China is usually very cheap. However, we had not been to a place like this for a long time and my eyes turned out to be far bigger than my stomach. My plate, on the right, was forty two RMB while Huan’s, on the left, was twenty one. It was very nice and I enjoyed it, nearly all of it, I really had overdone the choices!

We still had a lot to do after lunch so we headed off for the plumbing shop; nobody was there at all this time around. OK, we went off to the toilet and sink shop instead. This poor chap has seen us a few times and I think he was beginning to doubt that we would ever buy anything from him. This time I was armed with measurements and pictures and of course my (sometimes) trustworthy translator. Result, toilets and sinks with additional plumbing requirements will be delivered on Saturday morning. Baths and showers can wait.

Right next door there was a bed and bedding shop so we thought we would pop in. Whenever we stay in hotels in Haikou we find the beds much better than ours here at home. Neither of us had any expectations, we have tried so many shops so many times before. This shop had one mattress that seemed to fit the bill, the last one in stock. Back home we went, by bus this time, where Huan measured our bed and phoned the shop to confirm. I hopped into the bath, hoping to ease my poor left leg. My thoughts are leaning towards DVT now so need to sort all this other stuff out as quickly as possible. While I was soaking, the bed shop called and delivered our new mattress. Will it be right? It will be better than the one we had, that’s for sure.

No sooner had I got out of the bath than Huan received another call, the water heater would also be delivered tonight instead of tomorrow. No complaints from me. First things first, the old one had to be removed, not by us thankfully.

As you can see, a huge mess was left in the bathroom and I have to thank Huan for doing all the cleaning up, I was just not up to it. Here is the new heater doing its job, (still warming up).

January 3rd Our new bed is all that we thought, and hoped it would be. It is comfortable for both of us, quite something to achieve with two differing nationalities like ours. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep well at all! Sometime yesterday I must have caught the dreaded lurgy; I spent half the night tossing and turning and the other half burning up with a fever that wouldn’t break. In fact I went back to bed this morning for a top up on my much needed beauty sleep!

In the afternoon, I won’t say after lunch because food is an anathema to me when I am feeling ill, we went for a very slow stroll locally. I needed salty crisps and coca-cola to aid my recovery. Don’t ask me why, I don’t know, but it seems to work. First of all we had Huan eyeing up the local talent, what more can you ask for besides a good fisherman.

OK, let’s get in on the action, if you can’t beat them then join them!

What do you see in the previous photo? You certainly don’t see someone who is almost dead on his feet. Why do I always look healthy even when I am not?

We were not planning to be out long today so we had no camera, just our phones. Here are a couple of views of, or from, our favourite little island.

Huan managed to find a lizard, one that I could barely see. I tried, honest!

Let’s show you one more view, just a little further on before we headed for home. As you can see, it was lovely weather for a walk today. Mind you, I have no idea why we have wavy lines in the sky. Maybe one of you experts can tell me.

Home, finish this post, watch a little computer, do a little Chinese review, (very little today) and then fall into bed perchance to sleep and dream!

January 4th No walks today, our new toilets and sinks were being delivered and installed. Just as well really, I wasn’t feeling much improved. Have you bought a new toilet recently? Maybe you can tell me just what radioactivity tests they have been through and why. Should I be worried?

These were the new items, they seem to be fine.

There were two complete sets of course so here is the ‘second’ bathroom.

And here is the ‘first’, the ‘en-suite’, our bathroom.

It was mid-afternoon by the time everything was completed but we were happy enough with the results. I was still in starvation mode so we went out for some fresh air and to top up on the ready salted crisps. Yep, very old fashioned me when it comes to my crisps. I was not taking photographs but Mrs Anthony Armstrong Jones was still at it.

Here am I asking an owner if he knows that his pooch sweats from his tongue. He said he knew. It seems we were both actually wrong, I did a Google and I have been wrong for many years!

January 5th I awoke to the sound of things being put back into the bathroom cabinets so I quickly threw myself out of bed to stop the work in its tracks. Yesterday I had asked Huan not to put everything back in so that we could do a bit of a clear out. I can be a bit of a hoarder myself, especially if I have a garage, or a cellar, or a shed but Huan puts me in the shade. We have all sorts in very nook and cranny available and now seems like a good time to tidy up a bit. It took us most of the morning but we got there in the end.

After a nap, which we both needed, it was time for a little more fresh air. Mind you, my recovery on this occasion seems to be a little slow. I guess it’s that age thing again. We set off over our favourite little island, well there is only one!

On our way I called a kitten that left its chicken entrails and came to try and eat me instead!

Walking over the bridge on the main road I thought we had not given you a weekly update on the new sluice gates, so here it is. It’s coming on nicely, as they say.

Back home it was pork bone soup for me with very few additional ingredients. Huan’s was complete with vegetables, sweet corn and all sorts; all I needed was salt, garlic and ginger.

January 6th Back to (almost) normal, and shopping was the order of the day. Madam was feeling a little tired today, perhaps the lurgy has decided to move on and attack her instead. We will have to wait and see. Both of us needed naps after lunch, only one of us is still medicating.

When we woke up the view outside was marvellous, well worth a shot. I thought as you are at least twenty to thirty photos down on the usual weekly total you might like it too. Our phones are usually on 4:3 0r 16:9, this was taken using the camera’s full aspect ratio of 20:9.

Now then, the title of this week’s post, I’m sure you will have worked out that ‘Twoloos’ refers to two new bathroom installations. ‘Lowtrek’? Well, this week we have walked less than half of what we usually do and at a much slower pace as well. ‘Nora Batty’? Well, digging through my sock drawer I found some old compressions stockings, the ones for your shins only and with no feet. I have been wearing them for the last few days and the trouble with my legs has reduced quite considerably. I haven’t been out in shorts this week!

And so the first week of 2025 comes to an end, hope yours was at least as good as ours! Watch out for those winter bugs, they’ll get you when you least expect it. Toodle-pip!


  1. Hi Bob. Some people on the Internet climbing the Wuzhi Mountain, but not in the scenic area or the usual route, but following the navigation and compass, a bit like your expedition, to share with you. Have a good weekend.

    1. This guy seems to be crazy! Much better planning is needed. Also I am not sure exactly where he went as we have never been to the summit of Wuzhishan. Until two years ago foreigners were not allowed and now that we are I think I am too old!
