
Tuesday 28 January 2020

Lonely Boy, Home Maintenance, the Teddy Bear Returns.

January 21st Another restless night, it was almost nine when I woke up this morning. Isn’t it strange that you spend your younger ears sleeping alone then when you meet someone, who goes on to share your bed it takes no time at all getting used to it. Yet, when you have to sleep alone again it takes days, weeks, months or even years to get used to it!

Still time enough for a walk up the scenic mountain I thought but then I remembered. Sat on the balcony last night I heard a fizzing, crackling noise followed by a bang and the house went dark. The balcony light had failed, one of the old neon types.

Finding a replacement light was not so easy. I knew I’d need an LED version and I decided to buy a whole new one because, if you look closely, you can see that the supports for the cover gave up the ghost a long time ago. “What was the problem?” I hear you ask. Well, over half the shops in town have already shut for the holidays. I did eventually find one, not too expensive, and they said they could install it this afternoon. Yes, I know, I could do it myself. However, with Huan not being here I decided it was easier to ask someone else to do it, save me getting up and down the ladder all the time to run into the living room and turn the breaker on and off.

With light in hand I decided to cut my walk short and go and buy some lovely pork sausages to slice up and eat with my vegetable soup tomorrow. On my way home I spotted the ‘hunter’ again. I have no idea what he is expecting to achieve. I can spot three problems, can you? 1) He is not wearing the right footwear to wade in after any fish he kills. 2) He doesn’t have a net. 3) You won’t be able to see this, but the fish are too small anyway!

So the planned half past one visit from the electrician went by without any sign of him. I called him and we re-arranged for six. I was just getting worried again about quarter past six when he phoned to confirm the location and by quarter past seven it was all done. When he passed the old light down we discovered the reason for the noise last night and why the breaker kept failing if the light was switched on again. This poor little fellow had somehow got himself under the ballast transformer.

And how does the new light look? Well it’s not so easy to take a photo of a light when it’s dark outside and you have to switch the light on, but, here it is, edited just a little.

January 22nd Today was a little more back to normal, I even managed my first ‘ten’ day since Huan went up North. The scenic mountain route was the walk of choice this morning. I spotted this RV, campervan, motorhome on the way up and thought I’d give you a snap. We see a lot more of these around these days; in fact we’ve even discussed the possibility of having a holiday in one. The problem is that even though more and more people are using them there are not many, in fact hardly any, caravan parks yet.

Not much else popped up in the way of photos today. I did meet a lot of people, many of whom spoke to me and quite a few of those in English too. It must the New Year vibe! I also met a four legged friend who usually ‘speaks to me’ but today I had to stay a little clear. There was no aggression or growling but she had been given some food by someone and didn’t seem too keen on me getting any closer.

On the way home I tried to buy Wednesday’s and Thursday’s lottery tickets but it seems there aren’t any. The next draw will be after the holiday. I always think they should put a special draw on at this time of the year, with increased prize money, and then make the draw a part of the New Year show.

Not long after lunch the doorbell went crazy, and I mean crrrraaaaaaazy. It turned out to be the committee, bearing gifts, all laughing and joking. They even brought rhyming couplets for the door, which we don’t normally use anyway. To tell you the truth it was getting a bit too much for me and I told them that we were not celebrating New Year this year due to Huan’s Mum passing. I’m not at all sure if I said the right thing or not but at least they went and left me in peace.

Dinner was the last soup while Huan is away, this time with a difference. I didn’t bother warming it up, sliced the lovely pork sausage and added some pickled red cabbage. I guess it was my version of Gazpacho and very nice it was too. Sorry, I forgot to take a photo of it.

January 23rd A better night was had last night, going to bed at midnight and waking up around six forty five, must be the exhaustion catching up. The first thing I noticed this morning was how quiet it was outside, New Year is definitely upon us. Today I took the landfill route again so I could give you a progress report on the highway. The only dust was caused by three dustbin lorries, all the construction work has stopped. Maybe Huan will fancy a walk that way next week. I was able to get closer to the bridge work this morning so you can see how the road will be passing by Wuzhishan. The town is all on the right hand side.

If you’re travelling down towards Sanya, this will be your view on the right hand side. I stitched this from fifteen photos in two lines hoping it would be deeper than it is. Still, it shows you the view and some of the scar on the landscape that will disappear in a few months or so.

Because the construction work had stopped I was also able to take a look where we haven’t been before. Now we know where the tunnel will start. Someone told us that this tunnel will be a few kilometres long but we’ll have to wait and see if that’s right or not.

Have you ever wondered where street furniture goes to die? Well here, it seems it just goes to lie down outside the landfill area. What a waste! (See what I did there?)

Walking alone gives you a lot of time to reflect, nature does that too.

I walked back through town intending to visit the supermarket, on the way passing the pet shop. This little creature, and his friend who you can’t see, caught my eye. I think I caught their noses, they certainly knew I was there. I was very tempted to put my fingers in the box but in light of all the coronavirus worries at the moment, I decided against it.

The supermarket had throngs of people outside, all doing their last minute shopping I suppose, so I gave that a miss. Instead I passed by a buffet restaurant to pick up something for tonight’s dinner. I’ll be having lots of little fish, a small amount of pork, some squash and some green beans, with some rice of course.

Once home, sat on the loo, as you do, I spotted something on my arm. In the gloom of the bathroom it looked like it was perhaps a flying insect. When I touched it, I found it was a little sticky and that long brown piece was trying to take root in my arm! It must be some sort of flying seed. I suppose I should be honoured that it chose me!

When Huan is away I always do a clean-up before she comes back, and no, it’s not because I’m a slob! I started this evening with the balconies, watering the flowers, generally cleaning up and then did outside the front door where we keep the shoes. That’s not such an easy one; something is alive out there at night times and does its business in the shoe rack. It’s never in the shoes though which at least is one good thing. We keep trying various methods to keep whatever it is away, we are presently on moth balls. They don’t seem to work either. It would help if we knew exactly what it was, mouse, lizard or some other small creature. Washing was my last chore of the evening before guitar and Chinese practice.

January 24th Busy day today but no photos, I spent all day cleaning. I knew that army training would come in useful some day. As long as the OC doesn’t run her finger over hidden spots to find dust I’ll be fine!

On the road by seven, planned to stop on the way to Haikou at the usual place and have a meal and a relax before heading on up to the airport. Would you believe it, all the restaurants, and the little shop, were closed! At least I managed to get a bottle of coffee from the filling station shop. Without a long break I reset the cruise control at 100kph, (down from 120kph) and carried on. Finding the entrance to the airport car park was not so easy, and not only for me. Lots of other drivers seemed to be having the same difficulty. Eventually I found it, parked the car and followed the signs to the food court. Guess what? You’re right, all closed up for the night. I did find a KFC on my way down to domestic arrivals, not exactly my favourite restaurant. I had a very weird burger, it was an “Australian Steak Burger”. It was a soft bun, with egg, cheese, steak, mushrooms and some kind of strange gravy. I got used to it! KFC make lousy coffee though!

Huan’s plane was ten minutes early but she wasn’t out very quickly. Her sister had given her a box of food, mostly fish and seashells, so that had gone in the hold. While I was waiting Patrick from Haikou called, he, Flora and Padraig were returning from Cambodia and couldn’t get a taxi so asked if we could give them a lift. Once Huan was safely in we headed off to the International terminal and picked them up too. There followed an uneventful journey to their house where we dropped them off.

January 25th We continued on to the highway. I was really looking forward to stopping for a coffee but when we reached the highway services, not only were the shop and restaurants closed, the filling station had closed too!

I took a detour through Qiongzhong finding a fuel station on the way, bought some coffee for me and water for Huan, and then rejoined the highway until we found a nice rest stop. We were home later than expected, around twenty past three. All the seafood had to be unpacked and stowed in the freezer so by the time we got to bed it was four. For some strange reason I was up early! Huan managed a couple of hours more than me.

Lunch was dumplings supplied by the neighbours, they’re a good bunch really. Dinner was a fry up, cooked by yours truly. Huan definitely needs rest; in fact we both needed an OAP nap today.

January 26th Almost back to normal today, both of us up at a reasonable hour, Huan around seven and me three quarters of an hour later. Walkies was on the cards but I made sure we were never to far from the house so that we could head on home as soon as Huan decided she’d had enough. We started off the other side of the river, took more photos of cows, a photo of the track we were walking on and a photo of our house. Huan wanted me to take that one but it’s not worth showing you, we were too far away. The next photo was also taken at Huan’s bidding and although it’s not as good as it could be, (that lack of zoom again), it’s not too bad.

Coming back onto the road we passed this which I thought you should see, a wall protected by rusty nails and razor wire. You would think that there I something very valuable or secret in there. You’d be wrong, it’s a small allotment!

And even more security for you here, these are on every road in and out of our town and on quite a few roads within the town too. They’re no problem in the daytime, after all I try to keep within the speed limits. At night time though, they all have very bright lights as well as a ‘flash’ every time you drive through them.

And our last photo of the day is just to show you the weather. It certainly wasn’t a hot one today, in fact it was so overcast we were expecting it to rain at any minute. Not long after this we headed back to town and then home. The heavens did eventually open up but that was long after we had arrived home and finished our lunch.

The rest of the day was almost a repeat of yesterday except that I wasn’t too lazy to do some guitar practice today. Much more is still needed!

January 27th Winter is back! The temperature is down by ten degrees since last week and in fact during the middle of the night this week we can expect to have a low of 100C. Because it is so dreary you can have black and white photos of our morning. This is on the road side, I was intrigued because the cloud usually forms between the first and second ridges and not the second and third as it has done today.

And this is a lovely long panorama from the riverside, bedroom balcony.

Today being Monday we weren’t planning on walking anyway, it’s our rest and shopping day. As usual we left the house late in the morning to miss the crowds. We failed! Being the day after New Year everybody and their Gran was shopping. The car park was chock a block so we had no chance of using our normal supermarket. Luckily, along with the new one way system they increased the parking spaces in the town so we were able to park a street away from the other branch. Inside it wasn’t too bad but as planned, we wore our ‘Wuhan Virus Masks’ anyway. (At this time the virus had not yet been named Covid-19.) I know they are not very effective but they may help in crowded places. In keeping with today’s theme, our photo is in black and white, don’t you think we look very ‘with it’?

I can’t see much else happening today so we will wish you a Happy Monday and enjoy the rest of your week! See you next time.

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