
Monday 27 May 2024

No Camera Week.

May 21st Rain stopped play so we had a very relaxing day and enjoyed every minute of it. I was duty chef so the first thing to do was to prepare the ingredients. The jar holds the home made tomato paste and the odd stuff in the meat bowl is stock.

This is what I was cooking for the Royal Personage today.

Did I change anything? Well I did decide that the stock was not so good and used just a little dark soy sauce instead. I didn’t add any other vegetables although I may well do that in the future. Huan usually prefers rice so that’s what we had, mixed for her and white for me. How was it? Let’s just say that there was none left after dinner was finished!

May 22nd Rain went and did it again! No problem thought I, after lunch I’ll wander off for a solo walk. Huan’s nap overran though and I didn’t want to leave without her knowing. Once dinner was out of the way one of us had to go out, Wednesday is another ‘buy lottery tickets’ day. I told Huan to relax, I would go. The computer said no more rain and I agreed.

Across the road, where the party office used to be, there is some new construction going on or should I say premise remodelling. We have been watching progress from our balcony and wondering what the new place will be. Here’s the answer, a ‘registry office’.

My feet told me that I needed to walk a little more so I headed towards the river.

The computer had lied to me and I had misread the sky so the rain started. That gave me an excuse for a coffee and the third fag of the month. This was my view before I went and sat on a kerb under some shop awnings.

By the time I got home I was soaked to the skin, a hot shower was needed. Huan was happy though; I had saved her a walk in the rain and got her lottery tickets.

May 23rd The weather was fine this morning so we set off to see if we couldn’t get some photos for this week. I did remind Huan that we still have no camera.

Our first destination was the mansions on the hill.

Beside the mansions I became the chicken whisperer, go here

Looking where we were going soon became quite important with all the wet leaves on the floor. Even Huan was taking little steps.

How is it that we see great things when we don’t have the camera with us. Remember “The Perishers?” Eyeballs in the sky!

No sooner had we got back on track than Huan was at it again, directing my phone.

Onwards and upwards, towards the village.

Back in the village Dad was off down to the pub first making sure that Mum and the kids were safe at home. Do you think he locked them in?

And then we were through the village, down the hill and on our way home.

And then hallelujah! Huan found her favourite, a lizard.

I then found a track up a small hill which hadn’t been there before. Well, the hill was there but there was also a building which has now been demolished thus allowing us access. The view was fine from the top but the route also stopped there.

Different cows today so it was Huan’s turn to feed them.

Shall we have some stickers? Oh, go on then, one from a car filler cap and one from a moped. Zero octane and Mario, what more could you ask for?

It was then competition time with each of us taking photos of this little bug. I won!

Wuzhishan is going up in the world; we are going to have a ‘real’ coffee shop. Mind you, if what I read is true I may not be a customer. No menus and no cash! No thank you! PS I have no idea who these ‘named’ baristas are.

One more bug from me before we entered our complex.

Inside we looked for the bush where Huan had placed the little bird last Sunday. Huan found the bush but there was no sign of the little feathered friend. We have to hope that he recovered enough strength to fly away.

Oops, almost forgot that I was duty chef again today. I didn’t forget to do my duty but I almost forgot to bore you with the details. Today was a Philippine dish with Chinese heritage, ‘pancit’.

It says ‘Quick and Easy’. Well, it was easy but as I forgot to have cooked chicken ready it wasn’t so quick. Not to worry, I chopped up the chicken and boiled it with five spice and whole black peppers, it worked well. The only other thing I forgot was the lemon slices; I had been going to replace them with calamansi halves. I remembered to buy them but forgot to use them.

I needn’t have worried, Huan loved it and had three helpings, I had two. Although I say it myself I felt proud of the results. For a change everything just fell into place. Yummy is the word!

May 24th What’s going on? Rain stopped play yet again. After dinner, when we were forced to go out, the computer forecast said no rain and of course it rained, again. Luckily we didn’t have to go too far, all we needed was our cooked belly pork for the weekend. We even managed one photo en route, a little yellow caterpillar.

Back home we stopped off on the sixth floor. For the past day or so there has been a kitten stuck outside someone’s apartment. It seems that the owners of the apartment have gone back up north. The cat is not theirs and we have no idea how it found its way to where it is now.

On the sixth floor we bumped into our neighbours, they had also seen and heard the kitten. All of us then tried to sort out an escape ramp.

This was the final result, all we have to now is wait and hope.

May 25th Good news, we think, the ‘ramps’ had been removed when we went down to the sixth floor this morning and there was no sign of the kitten. Confirmation will come from our neighbours we hope. Back to normal for us and a trip to the market with a bug on the way.

In the market a new found friend who remembered me from last week.

On our way to the second market we passed the ‘boring machine’ location. I presume it was in operation because there was a slurry outlet pipe. It was not an easy shot and then I couldn’t decide between the two so both are here.

On the last stretch, weekend vegetables in hand, we found another bug. It looked far more colourful in real life, not such a good snap.

And then, fifty metres from home, Huan managed to make her day another good one.

May 26th Sunday solo walk today, Huan decided she would go to the dentist, not before time. Unlike me she is not scared of going it’s more that her insurance card will not cover her away from her home province of Liaoning. I walked her there and on the way she managed to do her usual. Looking at the photo on the phone I realised that phone cameras are definitely good if you only want to share and view on phones. They are not so good when you crop and look at the results on large computer monitors. This one however came out just fine.

I left Superwoman grinning in the dentist’s chair.

From one funny girl to another. I doubt if the car owner ever heard of Barbra Streisand though. PS I used to be in love with her but only realised today that she is eight years older than I am.

Almost immediately I found another car, this one amused me but I didn’t touch the car!

These next three were quiz questions for Huan when I returned home. She needed some hints but she got there in the end.

Would you believe I was able to get a good snap of a bird today? It’s true I tell you! Mind you, that was only because it was sat on a perch with a ring on its ankle. Et voila, a Jay, and if Google is right this one is Eurasian.

This next photo was the final clue that Huan needed to get my route 100% accurate. It is the junction near the last bridge where she did a lot of her driving lessons. Someone who was having a lesson today made a bit of a booboo!

Today we have a third decal; this time from a moped and it is a real cutie.

Being out alone of course I took advantage of the situation and had a coffee break along with my fourth fag of the month. The scenery was grand and, apart from the pneumatic drill working nearby on the riverside, the sound effects from our feathered friends were good too. I never got to see any of those feathered friends, and sods law; the drill stopped when I resumed walking.

I have been really missing the camera on my walks but at least I managed another lizard for ‘er indoors. I knew she would be pleased!

After lunch Huan had an early sleep so I didn’t join her. At dinner time it struck me that we have never shown you our weekend salads. This week it was pre-cooked belly pork with salad. This plate is mine prior to the addition of mayonnaise on the salad. Huan prefers hers without.

Unfortunately Huan couldn’t finish hers, not even the salad; her teeth were still too painful. The dentist has given her medication but maybe only antibiotics and no pain killers. She has to go back on Wednesday. Let’s hope she can eat tomorrow! Poor teddy was in bed before eight o’clock this evening.

May 27th Monday is washing day and for us shopping day too. On the way out Huan had a chat with our neighbours about Friday’s cat. They had been up early on Saturday and found that the little puddy had disappeared. They heard its voice from somewhere else in the building but they never saw it again. All’s well that ends well.

After our shop was over and on the way back to the car I spotted something I had not noticed before. Our rear bumper seems to have evolved into modern art.

Back home and life did not resume its normal pace. Huan was not feeling so good, possibly side effects from the oral antibiotics provided by the dentist. Solid food is not really her thing at the moment either so she didn’t cook our dinner today. As for me, I had a sweet sausage, cheese and onion omelette with beans on a bap.

Now at the beginning of last week I showed you the evil eye and told you that Google said a week or two should see it sorted out. That two weeks was up this evening.

Everything looks fairly normal to me now, my eyes look just a little tired maybe. The strange expression comes from me trying to take a photo of my eyes using the rear camera of the phone and looking into the bathroom mirror to try and see what the phone display was showing. (Selfie photos were not giving a good result.) I hope I didn’t scare you!

Another week passes, this one with no camera shots at all. I really do miss it, hopefully we will get it back this week, if not maybe next week. Once I do have it back I will be back on Taobao looking for a slightly ‘longer’ lens. Wish me luck! Until next time then, bieeeeee.

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