
Monday 3 June 2024

Week Two, No Camera, (Almost).

May 28th Play was stopped again this morning and not just by inclement weather. The other reason was my inability to crawl out of bed early enough. With Huan going to bed so early for the last two nights I stayed up far too late so as not to disturb her too much. Unfortunately it all caught up with me this morning.

We braved the weather after lunch and had a sedate stroll with an ulterior motive on my mind. Huan tried to find subjects for my phone without much success. Her first find was an insect.

While I was struggling to get a decent shot Huan continued on her merry way!

She then found her first lizard of the week which gave us only a fleeting chance. We took it.

And that was it for the day. Huan is still on liquidised or soft foods so I had sausages, onion, garlic, beans and eggs all mixed together on my toasted bap.

May 29th Huan was back to the dentist today so took I took advantage of the chance for another solo walk. Having dropped her off, no photos this time, I set off down the main drag. My first find was a moped dashboard.

Before too long I reached my turn around point.

The next three pictures were for the Prime Minister, as usual to show her my route. The first one shows what may be the preliminary work for putting in a new flower bed. The second is just a nice river view and the third is the short cut back to the main road.

On that short cut I thought some flora might be to your liking.

Walking back through the riverside market, spot the difference between today and Saturday.

For the last shot of the day it was hold the phone down low and hope for the best. When we pass this spot we often see chickens under the bushes, usually they are gone by the next day. I took a few not seeing what I was aiming the phone at but luck shone on me for this one.

Neither of us had a nap after lunch although I do believe we should have. Huan’s ‘eyes fell down’ in the living room and mine did the same in front of the computer. Talking to Huan about the photos had me asking where the camera was, I seemed to have a bit if a mental block. Huan was getting worried about me not remembering. We blamed it on me being tired but it also had me worrying, how could I forget something so recent?

May 30th This morning the PC said rain would come at one in the afternoon, the skies told me that it could possible be earlier. Our planned long walk therefore became almost a repeat of my solo walk around the town last week. We both had our phones and leaving Little Island we saw lizards so we both tried. Neither of us really succeeded.

These two geese turned out a little better.

Huan’s first almost good photo was of me clearing the road of fallen dead fronds. As you can probably tell from my shirt it was a warm day!

She then tried for a bird; the resulting photo required a huge crop.

It was then my turn with a little insect, also a very big crop.

Huan then found another lizard and insisted I try again. It was pretty rubbish, again.

On our way home and to make sure we had at least a couple of un-cropped photos I took two views of the river from the bridge on the main road. Has work stopped again until autumn time? It certainly looked like it; no machines were in operation anywhere.

Both of us needed a nap after lunch. Sometimes I think we sleep better during our afternoon naps than we do during our nightly sleeps!

After waking up it was my turn in the kitchen again. Have you ever eaten okra? Did you like it? I have tried cooking it before, without much success, so I thought I would have another go this week. This was the recipe I tried.

Did I succeed this time? Well Huan ate it and didn’t complain. However, I was not a fan at all. It says that it is a five minute recipe. Maybe I blanched the okra for too long, maybe I left them sitting in the egg mixture for too long; maybe I just used too much okra. Whatever the error was, it will be some time before I try this recipe again.

May 31st Rain stopped play.

June 1st Today the weather decided to give us a break so that we could do our normal salad shopping for the weekend. Not having many photos this week, I thought you might like a snail.

Nature is very fast here in Hainan. If you don’t look after your gardens then it will take them over. This is in front of a hotel.

Our route today was the wrong way round, just in case the weather changed its mind. Here we are going through the lizard market complex.

On our walks we have seen many a car with a changing colour wrap, depending on the angle you look at it from. However, I think this is the first time we have seen a multicolour wrap. At least I am assuming it is a wrap and not a paint job.

Around the corner we bumped into two friends, Douding and Douhua enjoying some “paper mulberry” leaves (I think). Google was not much help.

The last one from our walk is the farmer’s market, a small shop within the larger indoor market. SWMBO is in there buying spring onions and cucumber, can you spot her?

After dinner a pleasant surprise awaited me. Huan had a phone call, there was an express delivery downstairs, our camera was back. After a quick check to see that everything was back in working order a ‘proof of life’ photo was needed for our dear readers.

I had forgotten that there had been another photo in on the SD card when we had sent the camera for repair. Huan had found what appeared to be a dead bat on the balcony

June 2nd It was good to have the camera back in hand and thankfully the weather stayed good enough for us to have a walk. Huan’s plan was Sanyuesan Square to have a shufti at a cultural show. Off we went and on the way I found bugs.

At the square we found it was not so much a cultural show as an exhibition.

We had seen most of what was on show before, and we have shown you the weaving many times. Here though you can see the spinning and the dyeing.

On the other side of the square hundreds of students were showing what they could do too.

On our way home I found another car decal, a very faded “Bulldog”.

Outside the motorbike coffee shop we saw a bunch getting ready for a ride out. Huan was very impressed by the woman with the blue sunglasses. Underneath her leathers she was quite petite and she was riding the rather large machine you can see behind her.

Suddenly Huan started jumping up and down beside me, very unlike her. She had a beastie on her arm and as it was heading down towards her skin she was just a little worried!

She then thought that I should give you another flora pick so, here you are.

On the final stretch I tried a bird, luckily enough it stayed near enough for long enough.

All in all not a bad day for the return of the camera, I’m reasonably happy.

June 3rd How can this be yet another Monday? Surely it hasn’t been seven days since the last one. All we had on the cards today was shopping and maybe a trip to the bank for me later in the day. Huan made sure we had one photo, the light of her life!

My plan to go to the bank didn’t come to fruition; I was just too lazy to go out again. Never mind, tomorrow’s walk will be a round the river one taking in the bank on the way. Once that has been done I can order a longer lens!

After dinner, a strange time for a salesman to call but he did, Huan got a call from our car dealer in Sanya. They have a new PHEV capable of 1,500km on a single tank and full battery, quite nice looking too, at least from the outside. They offered us a trade-in for our old car. Of course we would have to go down there to see just how much, or how little, they would give us for our nine year old ICE car. I’m almost tempted to go for a look anyway. Perhaps we’ll pop down to Sanya if the weather is too bad for a walk one day.

And there you go, another week bites the dust and a new one beckons. At least the new one will have camera photos again. Stay tuned for more exploits from the Mistress & the Peasant!

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